the lost notebook
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My activities at the CERN

Having worked for the CERN for a number of years, here is a short summary of what I was doing.

  • In the ATLAS Central DCS (Detector Control System)
    • Generic OPC UA Server Framework: conceiving and leading a common architecture of OPC UA servers and a common framework for generating and managing them (see the paper)
    • OPC UA: various projects relating to the middle-ware used in the DCS
    • FwElmb: leading a software framework that provides common support for the ELMB
    • lots of things regarding software and hardware expertise for a group of about 100 members
  • In the Beams Controls Frontend
    • OASIS project: extending the system with new families of digitizers
    • FESA project: software development and validation
    • various things related to analogue and digital signal processing and C++ real-time software development
  • In the TOTEM DCS
    • a subsystem guaranteeing coherency of system structure
    • formal language extension for the DCS
    • some hardware work in the LHC tunnel (man, that was fun!)

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